Achieving Equality is a Continuing Challenge in California One Reason is

Cuban Refugee Center, Miami, FL USDHEW This American Latino Theme Study essay focuses on formal and informal efforts by various American Latino groups in the 19th and 20th centuries for full political and civic inclusion as citizens of the United States, including the development of Latino political activist groups, the struggle for civil rights, and the fight for full electoral rights for all citizens. by Louis DeSipio Over the past century and a half, diverse Latino communities have mobilized to demand civic and political inclusion, a process that has also facilitated the formation of a pan-ethnic political identity. Although there have been continuous gains, the quest for full and equal inclusion remains. The fact that the Latino population continues to grow in numbers and needs, and that this growth is often seen as a...

Re Chain of Memories No Continue

Reverse/Rebirth Proud Mode Boss Walkthrough

Hollow Bastion is the Tutorial Level

#1 Maleficent(Dragon Form) - Hollow Bastion B12F-Level: 9-10

For this fight you want to just use standard attacks and break any high cards she may throw at you. If she pulls an 8 card, just combine a few as Riku has some extremely high cards to begin with.

#2 Ansem - B12F exit

Not really a boss fight but I thought I would list it anyways. In this you will learn how to break cards, but you already know how to since you played Sora's game. Just continue to break Ansem's cards and the battle will eventually end.

Picking levels : I started in Agrabah to get Jafar's card, the Attack Bracer, first. If you read my previous guide you will know how valuable it is.

#3 Jafar Agrabah B11F - Level: 14-17

Same as Sora's encounter with him, only it's easier this time around. Just dodge Jafar and hit his lamp - easy. You will get his Attack Bracer card here so be sure to use it.

#4 Captain Hook - NeverLand B10F - Level: 17-21

As soon as the battle starts run around and see if you can get in a duel with Captain Hook. He uses within the 6s and 8s range but you have them just in the back of your deck.

After at least one successful duel,get him to ground level and activate Attack Bracer, then he will try and use cards filling your DP gauge - once you go into it and start spamming slights or attack him regularly - either way, easy win.

#5 Vexen - B10F Exit Hall - Level: 21

Okay you will mainly have to rely on duels for this fight. As soon as the battle starts be sure to be ready to put a card down for a duel, once it starts, spam the :cross: button and pray you hit over 5 card breaks if you want to duel it out.

However if you want to have some fun, use attack bracer and card break anything he throws out as this will charge your DP mode. Once in DP mode, hit two cards, stop, this will stun him and repeat this until he is dead.

#6 Guard Armor - Traverse Town B9F - Level: 21-24

Pretty simple fight - he will pull out some high 8s, but either can be broken with a 0 or dodged away. Very simple fight, if you remember the fight while you were playing as Sora you should have no issues here.

#7 Parasite Cage - Mostero B8F - Level: 25-29

This fight can be a little overwhelming since you constantly take damage if you step in the acid. However, you want to get in DP as fast you can here to inflict a lot more damage. Once in DP mode, activate Jafar and should be able to finish him off - no problem.

#8 Riku Replica Part I - B8F exit floor - Level: 30-34

Not too sure how to explain this fight as it is tough either way. Start combining cards to break his, once you get enough, you will go into DP mode. For this fight you will want to rely on DP mode as Dura Aura(9,9,9) is spammable twice in this battle, and for the mere fact it will just destroy his health.

A side note for you guys to utilize is Attack Bracer AFTER you get into DP mode. Be careful as he will use 0 cards, voiding out DP mode and Dark Aura, if Attack Bracer is not active.

If he starts one his slights, try to combine some cards and cancel it for yourself. Honestly, this battle is pure luck if he uses a 0 card or not as I got hit a few times, and still won.

#9 Ursula - Atlantica B7F - Level: 36-40

Being the only boss you cannot spam your cards in makes this one a bit difficult. She is not too hard, just be sure to be close enough to her tentacles when you break her cards. Another thing is continue attacking her, until she breaks your card, then immediate counter with a 0 if it higher than you have available.

Remember to not stock your cards while you are in DP mode. Try to just counter during this fight with your 0 cards, as they always come back when you reload your deck.

Be sure to use the Mickey [0] card , as it will stun her and leave her open to numerous attacks. You can also use the Maleficent card here by hitting :select: and scroll with R1 to find, for a damage boost. Jafar is not needed here as you will lose cards if you combine them.

Note: You have at least 2 or 3 in the back of your deck, use them wisely. As you have to reload and that takes up time.

#10 Hades - Olympus Colosseum B6F - Level: 42-45

I highly suggest you combine cards here to get into DP mode

so that being said, at the start of the battle try either activating Attack Bracer or just combining cards until you hit DP mode then using the Bracer.

Once you are in DP mode, spam away with Slights and he should be dead very quickly.

Edited by x410xDragon
Editorial Sweep



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